Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Low testosterone: how to naturally increase it
Testosterone, in adulthood, is critical to sexuality.
The action of testosterone in the adult male is responsible for the control of sexual desire (libido), by theerection (ability to maintain rigid cock) and fertility (ability to reproduce).
The sexual potency depends on testosterone, and this can be inferred by spontaneous erections that occur in the morning, during the day when the levels of this hormone in the adult male are higher.
The action of testosterone in adult men is essential for sperm production in the testes, which has a direct effect on fertility.
The frequency of orgasms also depends on the action of testosterone. Most of the ejaculate volume is made up of seminal fluid produced in the prostate and seminal vesicles, which are under the influence of the hormone. The amount ejaculated is related to the action of testosterone, as well as the quality of sperm (semen fructose, for example, is a source of energy for sperm).
The testosterone in adulthood maintains mental and emotional health
This hormone exerts various effects on the central nervous system: influences sexual behavior and has positive significance in the general sense of well-being, intellectual performance and mood.
How to naturally increase your testosterone using nothing but specialized training, nutrition, and lifestyle techniques
For men who rely on their physical to practice and compete in sports, maintain a high level of testosterone is essential for good results. Furthermore, this hormone is also essential to promote energy, make us more vigilant in protecting our memory, and increase libido.
However, many athletes want to increase testosterone more quickly and end up using risky methods and testosterone supplements such as anabolic steroids - synthetic drugs that increase levels of testosterone in our body - but they cause many health problems in the short, medium and long term.
But on the other hand, there are many foods that help, and increase the production of the "hormone of masculinity." You know that? Below, we list the top so you can expand your inventory of testosterone naturally and healthily.
Lean meats
Main sources of protein, lean meats are essential in the diet of those who want to produce more testosterone naturally. Sirloin, filet mignon, skirt steak and baby beef are the most suitable, always free of that layer of fat and preferably grilled. Grilled chicken breast and fish, which have fewer calories than beef, are also good options.
Furthermore, lean meats are also a source of zinc and have lower rates of saturated fat important to synthesize testosterone in our body.
Healthy fats
Yes, certain types of fats can also be healthy! Foods like walnuts, chestnuts, olives, almonds, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed, avocado and vegetables - coconut, soybean and sunflower - are extremely rich in this ingredient and should be consumed in greater quantities to increase the dosage of male hormone in the body.
Fruits are beneficial in many ways for our body. Apple and banana, for example, collaborate with the production of zinc, an essential element for the synthesis of testosterone. Already tomato, orange, lemon, cherry and strawberry have large amounts of vitamin C in their composition, an important ally of hormone production.
Pumpkin, peppers, broccoli, cabbage and kale are vegetables best suited to include in a diet wishing to raise male hormone levels. These foods contribute to the rates of estrogen - the female hormone - decrease, preventing the accumulation of fat, and preventing that muscle growth is impaired.
As well as meat, eggs are essential for those who want to "grow". Rich in protein and good cholesterol, they are also vital sources for increased testosterone production.
Plant with a large amount of zinc in their composition, the beans have little fat, enough protein and fiber. These beans are excellent for the process to increase production of the hormone in question.